I created this piece for my Visual Thinking course. The assignment was to create a single scene video that told a story. I chose to create a piece that represented the tensions between a wife and her husband. I felt it was an incredibly personal piece because I was really reflecting on my past relationships and the sense of frustration that I was too familiar with, at the time. As I was young, I did not know how to break out of the cycle but I lashed out in spurts of frustration but I always tried to retain my composure. It is also why I picked the nice glassware. I wanted to give the "relationship" a surface level beauty. I also wanted to play with performance. I thought it would be incredibly fun to use my own self to show the kind of anger I was feeling.
The piece is a video but I am still working on editing. I am teaching myself Adobe Premiere and it has been a challenging process. However, I included the raw video in this post. I shot this in my bedroom in a makeshift studio that I made out of my bed sheets and pieces of my bookcase. I used my reading lamps to light the "studio." I also bought one can of SPAM so I had to limit my performance to one take.
For now, the plan is to edit the video to have consistent lighting and maybe change the tone of the video. I am also hoping to add some audio. For now, I am thinking I want to add a very classic song. Maybe something by Frank Sinatra. However, I really want to keep the song at a very low volume. My plan for the end of the video is for the viewers to hear a ringing bell and my voice, in an aggressive tone, shouting to my husband that his dinner is ready.

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